
TN Youth Courts_Donte

Change Lives Today

With your help, we can continue to impact the lives of thousands of Tennessee youth. To date, Tennessee Youth Courts has:

  • Served more than 15,900 youth
  • Held over 4,500 court cases
  • Reduced the average recidivism rate to 4.5%
  • Welcomed approximately 2,400 adult volunteers per quarter
  • Tracked over 5,000 volunteer hours

Your financial contribution makes a difference.

The cost of holding a child in jail overnight is $150, and the average stay is five days. The cost for a child to go through a youth court program is only about $50. And the value of a fresh start? Priceless.

You Can Make All The Difference

As Anne Frank said, "How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve this world."


Don't Wait Another Moment

Please Give Now.

We gratefully accept online donations through Flipcause. Make a donation by clicking the "DONATE" button to the right or by mailing a check to the following address:

Tennessee Youth Courts
Honey Alexander Center
2400 Clifton Avenue
Nashville, TN 37209


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